So, this is my face now

I know, I post a lot, but when you have this much crazy running around in your head it needs to go somewhere. I have always had the resting bitch face face. My friends always have to explain to people that "she's really nice, that's just her face". I have this look mastered. It's not…

What’s Wrong? 

I get asked a hundred times a day, "what's wrong?". Do you know how hard it is to explain what's wrong? It's like trying to smell the color nine. I mean, nothing's wrong, yet nothing feels right. To try and wrap my head around it and narrow down to 1 specific thing that's wrong is…


At this stage in the game friendships are pretty much non-existent. I mean honestly, would you want to be friends with you?! Your friendships kind of fall in to categories at this point. I'll explain... The understanding friend. The friend who says they understand, but they don't really. I mean how in the world could…

How I Got Here

Ok,back to my story and how I got here... Little Man was born 4 weeks early. No complications. Delivery was fairly easy. My hospital stay was a bit overwhelming. I had surgery to have my tubes tied 5 hours after he was born. It seemed like the only time I got to hold him was…

Just the facts

Before I go any further in to my story, let's talk facts and stats. The reason why sharing my story is so important. I Googled these facts and stats and pulled them from the CDC and reputable ".gov" sources. 1 in 7 mother's of live births suffer from postpartum depression. (That means about 25 of…